Improving employee wellbeing with data

Improving employee wellbeing with data


Nowadays, improving employee wellbeing with data is possible. The latter allows to track employee happiness, and personalize workplaces. Also, it may help with mental health issues.


Data is currently transforming contemporary business. It’s now usual for the topic to pop up in daily news, and office conversations. This, of course, makes sense. Data has the potential to be applied to diverse fields, like finance or marketing. Of the latter, a peculiar one is… workplace wellbeing.

Quantifying workplace wellbeing is important. Some studies suggest that happy workers work harder, increasing productivity. This goes against the common belief that working more, and exhausting employees, is good for business. Also, workplace happiness might be beneficial for innovation. It’s hard to imagine how tiredness and depression can boost creativity.

There a three ways data can improve work wellbeing. The first regards quantifying employee wellbeing. Assessing how workers interact with benefits is the second. The third is workplace personalization. These can be implemented by an innovation team.

Quantifying workplace happiness is a good starting point, in a data transformation. A business example regards Hitachi, the Japanese multinational. The enterprise has created wearable devices for staff, which monitor different statistics. Examples are time spent sitting, typing, or talking. The company then used this to create a happiness-measuring algorithm.

Improving employee wellbeing with data can regard benefits, too. This can assist with analyzing worker-benefits interaction. Nowadays, several enterprises provide employees with welness benefits. Examples include free gym-memberships, coaching sessions or counselling. Yet, how can CEOs know if workers actually use these? That’s where data kicks in. It allows managers to know which benefits are popular, and which that don’t pay off.

Workplace personalization is the last use for data. Measuring employee behavior can produce insights which increase efficiency. For example, workers can know the time of the day during which their most productive. They can then schedule difficult tasks to those moments.

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